Why Surrendering to Infertility...
May Actually Help You Become Pregnant
(Yep! You read that right!)
Welcome, friend!
We have created a special program for you...
And all of the other fertility warriors out there who have been doing everything “right” in their quest to have a baby (the supplements, acupuncture and awful tasting Chinese herbs, given up gluten, dairy, etc., and so on) and yet are still waiting for that positive pregnancy test.
We SO get it because we both have been through it ourselves...
And have spent years working with countless individuals (and their partners) experiencing the ups and downs of fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum.
We are here to tell you that there is actually no more you need to do. Rather, we invite you to be more and do less.
That probably sounds a little crazy, huh?! But hopefully it also makes you feel a little more hopeful and a little lighter.
Let us show you how.
Doing is something you’re probably already really good at, huh? If you’re like most of us, you’ve carefully constructed your life (career, partnership, home, etc.) and expected that once you were ready to create your family, you could execute that as skillfully as any other goal you’ve pursued before.
Sound familiar?
Being, on the other hand, is something we are often not taught. And yet, one of THE most important practices you can put into your life-skills kit.
Because BEING brings you into present moment awareness and changes your relationship to the thing you are doing.
Think more calm, peaceful, non-attached -- even when it’s hard or challenging.
Our proven system of concepts, exercises, and coaching teach you how to listen to your body, connect to your breath (particularly as you navigate the stress of uncertainty), and cope with the many facets and challenges that arise during the infertility journey (physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual).
We use these same tools in our own lives and have taught them to our clients for over 15 years, and we know they work!
Our clients include:
• Individuals trying to conceive naturally
• Those doing ART (fertility treatments)
• Single moms by choice
• LGBTQ Couples
• Pregnant mamas who experienced fertility challenges
Our groups are inclusive. All are welcome here!!
**And no prior yoga experience required**
A 12-week virtual fertility support group and home-study course filled with Eastern and Western mind-body medicine tools to help you reconnect with the present moment, your emotional, physical and spiritual self, and to learn to surrender to all of the things you cannot control... and more.
Control what you can… let go of everything else!

Mary and her husband had been through 3 failed artificial inseminations. The next step was IVF.
They knew it would be a process, especially since Mary's husband was getting ready to deploy overseas.
"I wanted to be in a better place emotionally before IVF because I was going to be on my own.
I started going to their classes not knowing what to expect, but it was so refreshing and validating to be in a space where the other women understood me - they were experiencing the same frustrations.
Deborah and Wendy absolutely shifted my approach to stress and life changes. I now believe that I was supposed to travel this path on my own. I learned to fight less and value what I feel in the moment."
Mary continued with our program and then became pregnant, naturally, while her husband was home on leave that December.
If you want to be a mother (parent), you will be…
you just may not know the when or the how.
Yoga, meditation and mindfulness practices have been around for about five thousand years - a testament to how good things last.
And if that’s not enough to convince you, there is also great research data to support that participation in a mind-body fertility program can:
Increase your chances of getting pregnant
More than double your IVF success rates
Reduce anxiety and depression levels
Similar to research findings from the Domar Center at Harvard, well over half of our clients successfully conceived (and had a live birth) after going through our program/classes - some naturally and some with ART (fertility treatments).
In many cases, pregnancy success was reached AFTER they had already gone through many failed IVF cycles or other medical interventions!
And yes, there are some who chose to “mother” in other ways. To us - these are all successes!
The mind is the king of the emotions -
the breath is the king of the mind.
Client Love
from our Growing Community

Every week these Living Lēla boss ladies were the perfect balance of teaching and listening, encouraging and challenging... The best part actually, is that they are extremely compassionate and smart women as well, so you're sure to be both comfortable and supported.

Wendy and Deborah have provided me with the ability in joining both yoga and psychology to bring about a sense of peace, relaxation, and trust in the process. I urge anyone that is going through this [infertility] to give their group a try.

I cannot articulate into words how much of a blessing these Living Lēla women are and have been during my infertility struggles! I found them by happenstance through my doctor and he suggested I give their program a try.
-Fertility Program Participant

Be More, Do Less™
12-Week Coaching Program
Ready to do less on your quest to have your baby?
We designed this course with you in mind... and we'll give you all the support you'll need. We promise.
Here's what's included:
Intimate Weekly Virtual Group Support: Connect with others in real-time going through a similar journey. Share as little or as much as you like. Sometimes we laugh and sometimes we cry - all emotions and experiences are welcome here! After we share, we’ll spend the rest of the time doing some movement, breathwork, meditation, or whatever might feel good for the group.
12-Week Online Course with new content shared weekly (video, audio, and downloadable PDFs).
Weekly Mind-Body Practices: yoga (asana), breathwork, self-acupressure (Fertility Ball Method®), and meditation/mindfulness exercises.
Fertility Education including Menstrual Cycle 101, how to reduce your environmental toxin exposure, diet & nutrition, and more.
14-Day Exclusive Guide for the Two-Week Wait (“TWW Thrival Kit™”). We know how excruciating the two-week wait can be, so we take you through a 14-day daily practice to help you feel more grounded and empowered.
Special Guest lecture with Functional Medicine Nutritionist/Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner on nutrition/supplements to support your fertility.
Private Facebook Group so you can also be a part of our larger fertility community.
Ongoing Access to Us (your course instructors)!
Every week we’ll address a new topic:
❥ SESSION ONE: Stress-busting
❥ SESSION TWO: Connecting to Your Body
❥ SESSION THREE: Ground & Balance
❥ SESSION FOUR: Mindfulness & Your Psoas Muscles
❥ SESSION FIVE: Fear, Anxiety & How to Pacify Them
❥ SESSION SIX: Anger + Sadness = Grief
❥ SESSION SEVEN: Thrive on the Two Week Wait
❥ SESSION EIGHT: Energy Follows Intention
❥ SESSION NINE: Tame the Shame (and Guilt)
❥ SESSION TEN: Toxins & Your Fertility
❥ SESSION ELEVEN: Genetics, Epigenetics & Healing Intergenerational Conditioning
❥ SESSION TWELVE: Every Day More Joy!
The Fertility Ball Method®!
The Fertility Ball Method® is an easy yet powerful tool to help your body optimize your reproductive health.
Learn more about this system below in the FAQ's.
When you checkout, take advantage of this one-time opportunity to purchase a set of the Fertility Ball Method® (self-acupressure system for fertility) + the instructional videos for only $30! (more than half-off the usual price of $65 for the balls alone).
Shipping and handling included.
Offer available to U.S. residents only.
Learn More about Fertility Ball Method®
Deborah Anderson, PhD, RYT, TCTSY-F
Licensed Health & Neuropsychologist | Fertility & Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator

Wendy Obstler, C-IAYT, RYT-500
Certified Yoga Therapist | Fertility,
Pre & Postnatal Yoga Instructor
What is the Fertility Ball Method®?
How will course materials be delivered?
How quickly can I expect results?
What's been your success rate with this program?
Refund Policy
Sit in the space of being.
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